Portugal Imports

Canadian Owned

Portugal Imports was founded as a wholesale business in 1972 by the husband and wife team of Manuel and Leonor Cardoso. Leonor came from a large family, her father was a carpenter and had several shops in Fatima, Portugal. The shops were run by the children and Leonor began helping her older siblings in the shops as a young child. By the time she was a teenager she was managing one of the family’s souvenir shops. Portugal Imports is always looking for new and unique pieces to add to their product line and will continue to maintain close relationships with their suppliers which includes small manufacturers and craftsmen in Portugal. Portugal Imports plans to expand their online presence to share their products with all of Canada, and eventually the world. Monica’s daughter, Carolina, loves to help mom and grandma shop for new products and enjoys working at the trade shows and in the office.


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We warmly invite you to share this call for vendors, artisans, and farmers with individuals who may be interested in becoming a part of our community-driven initiative.